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Marzo 2011
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Febrero 2011
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Enero 2011
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Marzo 2011
Hnd - Las autoridades criminalizan a defensores de pueblos indígenas. [ESL/SPA]. (Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras - COFADEH). Radio Nizkor, 23mar11
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Hnd - Honduras State Officials Criminalize Defenders of Ethnic Peoples. [ENG]. (Committee of Relatives of the Disappeared in Honduras - COFADEH). Radio Nizkor, 23mar11.
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Hnd - Les autorités honduriennes criminalisent les défenseurs des peuples autochtones. [FRA]. (Comité des familles de détenus disparus en Honduras - COFADEH). Radio Nizkor, 23mar11.
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Hnd - La defensora de derechos humanos Blanca Ezpinoza en peligro inminente. [ESL/SPA]. (Comité de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos en Honduras - COFADEH). Radio Nizkor, 23mar11
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Hnd - Human Rights Defender in Inminent Danger. [ENG]. (Committee of Relatives of the Disappeared in Honduras - COFADEH). Radio Nizkor, 23mar11.
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Hnd - Cofadeh dénonce l’harcèlement et les menaces de mort dont est victime l'activiste Blanca Espinosa. [FRA]. (Comité des familles de détenus disparus en Honduras - COFADEH). Radio Nizkor, 23mar11.
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Bol - La APG IG anuncia el comienzo del funcionamiento del Fondo de Inversión Itika Guasu. [ESL/SPA]. (Asamblea del Pueblo Guaraní Itika Guasu - APG IG). Radio Nizkor, 22mar11
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Bol - The APG IG Announces the Beginning of the Financial Activity of the Itika Guasu Investment Fund. [ENG]. (Assembly of the Guarani People of Itika Guasu - APG IG). Radio Nizkor, 22Mar11.
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Bol - L'APG IG annonce le début du fonctionnement du fonds d'investissement Itika Guasu. [FRA]. (Assemblée du peuple guarani Itika Guasu - APG IG). Radio Nizkor, 22mar11.
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Per - Calling for Reduced Military Spending While Boosting Arms Purchases. [ENG]. (Angel Paez for Inter Press Service - IPS). Radio Nizkor, 09Mar10
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Per - More than a year after Bagua, indigenous and rural communities remain excluded from decisions around the country's development plans. [ENG]. Radio Nizkor, 09Mar11
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Per - The Commission of Inquiry's Report on the Violent Events in Bagua: A Truth Commission with Little Truth. [ENG]. Kristina Aiello for the North American Congress on Latin America-NACLA). Radio Nizkor, 09Mar11
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Col - Entrevista con el magistrado de la Corte Suprema colombiana Iván Velásquez sobre las organizaciones criminales y su relación con el Estado. [ESL/ESP]. Radio Nizkor, 07mar11
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Febrero 2011
Hti - Serious human rights violations which occurred during Duvalier's rule should not go unpunished. [ENG]. Radio Nizkor, 05Feb11
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Icc/Cpi - ICC Rome Statute amended at Review Conference in Kampala so as to include a definition of the crime of aggression. [ENG]. (Assembly of States Parties to the ICC; Prof. Willian Schabas). Radio Nizkor with the collaboration of the International Human Rights Law Clinic at the American University Washington College of Law, 05Feb11
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Enero 2011
Hti - Violence and serious crimes against women increase amidst poverty and politics. [ENG]. (Inter Press Service - IPS). Radio Nizkor, 27Jan11
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Hti - Foreign Aid to Haiti needs to be reviewed. [ENG]. (Inter Press Service - IPS). Radio Nizkor, 27Jan11
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Usa - Almost 300 economists signed a letter to the American Economic Association "strongly" urging it to adopt a code of ethics. [ENG]. (Political Economy Research Institute of the University of Massachussetts Amherst, Reuters). Radio Nizkor, 17Jan11
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Esp/Deu - Le Tribunal central d'instruction No. 2 de l'Audiencia Nacional espagnole ordonne la poursuite judiciaire de John Demjanjuk pour crimes contre l'humanité et complicité de génocide. [FRA]. (Equipo Nizkor). Radio Nizkor, 14jan11
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Esp/Deu - Communiqué on the Spanish ruling ordering the prosecution and the handing over of John Demjanjuk for crimes against humanity and complicity in genocide at KL Flossenbürg. [ENG]. (Equipo Nizkor). Radio Nizkor, 13Jan11
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Esp/Deu - Ordenan la detención y entrega de John Demjanjuk en el caso de las víctimas españolas de los campos nacional-socialistas que se sigue en la Audiencia Nacional. [ESL/ESP]. (Equipo Nizkor). Radio Nizkor, 13ene11
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