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Septiembre 2006
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Agosto 2006
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Julio 2006
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Septiembre 2006
Esp - Programa especial de Radio Sí (Bruselas) sobre la cuestión
de las víctimas del franquismo. [ESL/SPA]. Coproducción Radio Sí y Radio Nizkor, 30sep06
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Col - Entrevista a Teófilo Acuña sobre la movilización en el Sur del Bolívar.
[ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 30sep06
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Usa - The legal situation of the Guantanamo detainees, the Supreme Court decision on Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
and its implications for the future. [ENG]. (By Richard Wilson). Radio Nizkor, 28Sep06
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Esp - Declaración "Entre la cobardía moral y la ilegalidad", a tenor del proyecto de ley que afecta a las víctimas del franquismo. [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 01sep06
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Agosto 2006
Col - Entrevista a Erick Arellana en el Día Internacional del Detenido-Desaparecido. [ESL/SPA].
Radio Nizkor, 31ago06
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Esp - El 1º de septiembre se hará pública la declaración "Entre la cobardía moral y la ilegalidad" [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 24ago06
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Col - Testimonio de Virginia Vallejo en relación al narcotráfico en Colombia. [ESL/SPA].
Radio Nizkor, 24ago06
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Opening remarks by Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP for the South East of England Region. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Dr. Kate Dewes (New Zealand Disarmament and Security Centre): The Development of the World Court Project. [ENG].
(Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Phon van den Biesen, Vice President of IALANA: Role of the ICJ in the International System and Compliance with its Judgements. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Phil Shiner (Peacerights): Court Experiences in the UK. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Peter Becker (German section of IALANA): Nuclear Weapons and German Courts. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Otto Jaeckel (German section of IALANA): Nuclear Weapons and German Courts. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Anabel Dwyer (Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy): Defending US Nuclear Resisters. [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Antonella Pecchioli and Marielena Giorcelli (IALANA Italy): The Aviano Case in Italy. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Alyn Ware (Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy). [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director of the Western States Legal Foundation. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Peter Weiss, Vice President of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA). [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima: Mayors for Peace Presentation. [ENG].
(Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Phil Shiner (Peacerights): Citizens' actions and the legal case against nuclear weapons. [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Irenah Klink (Aktion-Vöelkerrecht). [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Angie Zelter (Trident Ploughshares and Faslane 365). [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by Hans Lammerant (Forum for Peace action, Bombspotting). [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Speech by George Farebrother, Secretary of the World Court Project UK. [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Closing remarks by Gisela Kallenbach, Green Party MEP, with acknowledgments by Cora Weiss, President of the International Peace Bureau. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
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Julio 2006
Opening remarks by Rae Street, Vice Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in
the UK. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Welcome to the Conference by Ernst Guelcher (Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament). [ENG].
(Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Speech by Christopher Weeramantry, former judge of the International Court of Justice: Main findings of the
Court and the legal developments since 1996. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor,
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Speech by Dr. Victor Sidel (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War): The effects of
nuclear weapons. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Speech by Dr. Hans Corell, formerly Legal Counsel of the United Nations: The Role of Public International
Law and the ICJ in a Changing World. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Speech by Louise Doswald-Beck, Director of the University Centre for International Humanitarian Law,
Geneva. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Speech by Christopher Weeramantry, former judge of the International Court of Justice. [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Speech by Hans Lammerant (Forum for Peace action, Bombspotting). [ENG]. (Conference on International Law &
Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Speech by Peter Weiss, Vice President of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
(IALANA). [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Speech by Steven Haines, Head of Politics and Internarional Relations at the Royal Holloway, Unversity of
London. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Speech by Commander Robert Green, Royal Navy (Retd.). [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear
Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Speech by Dr. John Burroughs, Executive Director of the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, NY. [ENG].
(Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Speech by Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director of the Western States Legal Foundation. [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31jul06
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Esp - Intervención de Ana Viéitez en las jornadas "Movimientos Sociales por la Memoria en
España". [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 26jul06
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Esp - Intervención de Dolores Cabra en las jornadas "Movimientos Sociales por la Memoria en
España". [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 26jul06
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Esp - Intervención de Fermín Sánchez en las jornadas "Movimientos Sociales por la Memoria
en España". [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 26jul06
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Esp - Intervención del representante de la Asociación de Descendientes del Exilio Español
en las jornadas "Movimientos Sociales por la Memoria en España". [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 26jul06
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Esp - Intervención del representante de la Associació d'Expressos Politics de Catalunya en las
jornadas "Movimientos Sociales por la Memoria en España". [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 26jul06
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Esp - Intervención de Cecilio Gordillo en las jornadas "Movimientos Sociales por la Memoria en
España". [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 26jul06
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Esp - Intervención del representante del Foro por la Memoria en las jornadas "Movimientos Sociales por
la Memoria en España". [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 26jul06
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Esp - El modelo de impunidad español y las víctimas del franquismo. [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor,
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Esp - Comentario sobre el conflicto entre las familias de las víctimas de Mauthausen y el Gobierno
español. [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 25jul06
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Gtm - Entrevistas sobre el conflicto campesino en la finca Nueva Linda. [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 25jul06
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Rwa - Le TPIR et les tribunaux gacaca très critiqués pour son incapacité à
combattre l'impunité au Rwanda. [FRA]. (Inter Press Service News Agency). Radio Nizkor, 25juil06
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UE - La plainte de M. Al-Masri recevable selon Martin Hoffman, procureur de Munich chargé d'instruire le
dossier. [FRA]. Radio Nizkor, 14jui06
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UE - La commission d'enquête temporaire sur les activités illégales de la CIA rend ses
premières conclusions aux députès, ainsi qu'au Conseil et à la Commission. [FRA]. Radio
Nizkor, 14jui06 (Cet enregistrement correspond aux évenéments du 05jui06)
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EU - La CIA "clairement responsable" des activités illégales en Europe avec la complicité de certains Etats membres. [FRA]. Radio Nizkor, 11jul06
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Usa - Cuestionan medidas de excepción usadas por el Ejecutivo para obstruir investigaciones judiciales. [ESL/SPA]. (International Press service). Radio Nizkor, 11jul06
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Ita/Usa - El número dos de los servicios secretos italianos (SISMI) fue detenido por complicidad en un secuestro realizado por la CIA. [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 11jul06
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Arg - Dio comienzo en La Plata un nuevo juicio oral contra el jefe policial Etchecolatz. [ESL/SPA]. Radio Nizkor, 11jul06
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Arg - El Turco Julián es el segundo procesado en llegar a juicio oral después de la nulidad de las leyes de impunidad.
[ESL/SPA]. (International Press Service). Radio Nizkor, 11jul06
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Ury - La detención de un oficial militar fugitivo es un avance en el camino en contra del modelo uruguayo de impunidad.
[ESL/SPA]. (Inter Press Service, Montevideo, Uruguay). Radio Nizkor, 11jul06
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