Usa - The legal situation of the Guantanamo detainees, the Supreme Court decision on Hamdan v. Rumsfeld
and its implications for the future. [ENG]. (By Richard Wilson). Radio Nizkor, 28Sep06
Opening remarks by Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP for the South East of England Region. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by Dr. Kate Dewes (New Zealand Disarmament and Security Centre): The Development of the World Court Project. [ENG].
(Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by Phon van den Biesen, Vice President of IALANA: Role of the ICJ in the International System and Compliance with its Judgements. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by Peter Becker (German section of IALANA): Nuclear Weapons and German Courts. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by Otto Jaeckel (German section of IALANA): Nuclear Weapons and German Courts. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by Anabel Dwyer (Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy): Defending US Nuclear Resisters. [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by Antonella Pecchioli and Marielena Giorcelli (IALANA Italy): The Aviano Case in Italy. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director of the Western States Legal Foundation. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by Peter Weiss, Vice President of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms (IALANA). [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by Dr. Tadatoshi Akiba, Mayor of Hiroshima: Mayors for Peace Presentation. [ENG].
(Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by Phil Shiner (Peacerights): Citizens' actions and the legal case against nuclear weapons. [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Speech by George Farebrother, Secretary of the World Court Project UK. [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Closing remarks by Gisela Kallenbach, Green Party MEP, with acknowledgments by Cora Weiss, President of the International Peace Bureau. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 22Aug06
Opening remarks by Rae Street, Vice Chair of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament in
the UK. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31Jul06
Welcome to the Conference by Ernst Guelcher (Green/EFA Group in the European Parliament). [ENG].
(Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31Jul06
Speech by Christopher Weeramantry, former judge of the International Court of Justice: Main findings of the
Court and the legal developments since 1996. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor,
Speech by Dr. Victor Sidel (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War): The effects of
nuclear weapons. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31Jul06
Speech by Dr. Hans Corell, formerly Legal Counsel of the United Nations: The Role of Public International
Law and the ICJ in a Changing World. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31Jul06
Speech by Louise Doswald-Beck, Director of the University Centre for International Humanitarian Law,
Geneva. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31Jul06
Speech by Christopher Weeramantry, former judge of the International Court of Justice. [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31Jul06
Speech by Peter Weiss, Vice President of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
(IALANA). [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31Jul06
Speech by Steven Haines, Head of Politics and Internarional Relations at the Royal Holloway, Unversity of
London. [ENG]. (Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31Jul06
Speech by Dr. John Burroughs, Executive Director of the Lawyers Committee on Nuclear Policy, NY. [ENG].
(Conference on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31Jul06
Speech by Jacqueline Cabasso, Executive Director of the Western States Legal Foundation. [ENG]. (Conference
on International Law & Nuclear Weapons). Radio Nizkor, 31Jul06
Usa - CIA expands operational file secrecy and Department of Defense seeks a broad new exemption from FOIA.
[ENG]. (Project on Government Secrecy of the Federation of American Scientists). Radio Nizkor with the collaboration of the
Schell Center for International Human Rights at Yale Law School, 07May06
Usa - U.S. to switch from a "data preservation" to a EU-like "data retention" system that could pose serious
privacy risks.
[ENG]. (Electronic Privacy Information Center - EPIC). Radio Nizkor with the
collaboration of the Schell Center for International Human Rights at Yale Law School, 07May06
Usa - In a Freedom of Information Act Lawsuit, Former Top Official in the US Justice Department Concludes that
Surveillance Program was Illegal. [ENG]. (Electronic Privacy Information Center). Radio Nizkor with the collaboration of
the Schell Center for International Human Rights at Yale Law School, 23Apr06
Esp - Communique on the State's refusal to investigate serious crimes against human rights under Franco.
[ENG]. (Equipo Nizkor and several Spanish associations of victims of Francoism and World War II). Radio Nizkor with the
collaboration of the Schell Center for International Human Rights at Yale Law School, 23Apr06